I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. It’s finally Spring, my favorite season. My birthday is in April, and that’s always fun. So much to look forward to and I’m so excited. I hate the cold so warm weather gets anxious. I cant wait to get out more since I won’t be freezing. It’s still cold here in northern Virginia, so I’m waiting.
1. What is your favorite webbplats thing about Spring ?
The weather. It feels so good out. I am not a cold weather person. Spring makes me more active. I feel like a bear that just woke up from hibernation when spring comes around. And I love seeing flowers everywhere.
2. Favorite kind of flowers to grow or receive?
Cabbage Rose. They are so beautiful, delicate and soft. Love it.
3. What is your favorite nail polish color?
I don’t have a favorite color because that changes a lot. But I love neutral pinkish and reddish colors with a particular fondness for coral nail polishes.
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4. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Anything that has to do with water like swimming, boating, going to the beach, any of that stuff is exciting to me.
5. Do you have any fun spring plans? Details!
Clean. I really want to start organizing more and sell some things i done need on Ebay or Craigslist.